Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Nerve-wrecking Thursday
First of all, sorry for my broken English.
I used to love this tuition no matter what the songs I have to learn even though sometimes I barely have time to practice my new songs. But these days... urgh even imagining about Thursday will make my heart beats faster. There is only one reason for all of these things, and it is the piano exam on the first week of December which is right in front my eyes.
Actually I was not sure about taking this exam at first but I thought that this would be my last exam and well I've got some advantage if I took it this year. I got the exam book earlier than I used to get because the it is the same exam book as last years so, yes, I decided to take the exam. I didn't really realize that these months in the end of 2011 would be busy with all of my activities. Starting from my uni life, with the stressful-and-scary conservative endodontic blocks, Christmas event in the church, my brother's wedding, and organization in uni and it was too late to change my mind because I have payed for the exam.
So then I started to practice the songs I have to play and there are 2 songs that are really hard for me. Well, I am not a great pianist, I'm an ok pianist, I can play but I'm definitely not that kind of wow-so-talented pianist. I really struggle with the etudes, not to mention the aural tests and the other scary part, sight reading.. I do have the urge to practice everyday but I don't have that much time.
Now I feel so so nervous just imagining that I'm going to have that exam in about 4 weeks because in this kind of exam, one little mistake can ruin the whole song. Not to mention the sight reading, actually kinda know what should I do to have a good sight reading. Its just, when I start to play the song that is given, I tend to forget the important things and well, it turns out to be bad.
I'm hoping for a miracle from God over here so that I am able to pass this exam with hmmm good score.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Jamur O Lala
Jadi ceritanya beberapa hari yang lalu dkampus ada jadwal kuliah umum tentang kontrol infeksi yang akan diajar oleh salah satu dokter yang uda berpengalaman dan termasuk dokter yang uda lama kerja di kampus.
Cukup seneng sih ternyata dokternya suka kasih jokes dan cerita-cerita pengalaman dia diantar point-point yang dia mau sampein.
Well, ada satu jokes yang.. yah haha agak bikin speechless waktu dengernya karna bingung kok dokter bisa kepikiran kasi jokes kaya gitu.
Jadi jokes ini dimulai dengan point kontrol infeksi yaitu
"Sterilisasi adalah tindakan mematikan kuman patogen, jamur, spora pada alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan."
Oh kita pun mulai mencatat point tersebut plus point2 lain yang dia sampein mengenai sterilisasi ini. Dengan nada wajar dan biasa seakan-akan dia mengatakan hal yang uda lazim, dokter ini bilang
" Jadi kalo kita makan pizza jangan disterilisasi dulu ya, nanti jamurnya hilang semua loh"
Hmmm okeee kita langsung ketawa dan kagum sama dokter yang kepikiran aja jokes ini.
Sejak dokter ngomong gitu, ga bisa deh mikir pizza tanpa inget kalo sterilisasi itu ngilangin jamur dan tanpa inget joke jamur dari dokter yang gahul ini.
Cukup seneng sih ternyata dokternya suka kasih jokes dan cerita-cerita pengalaman dia diantar point-point yang dia mau sampein.
Well, ada satu jokes yang.. yah haha agak bikin speechless waktu dengernya karna bingung kok dokter bisa kepikiran kasi jokes kaya gitu.
Jadi jokes ini dimulai dengan point kontrol infeksi yaitu
"Sterilisasi adalah tindakan mematikan kuman patogen, jamur, spora pada alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan."
Oh kita pun mulai mencatat point tersebut plus point2 lain yang dia sampein mengenai sterilisasi ini. Dengan nada wajar dan biasa seakan-akan dia mengatakan hal yang uda lazim, dokter ini bilang
" Jadi kalo kita makan pizza jangan disterilisasi dulu ya, nanti jamurnya hilang semua loh"
Hmmm okeee kita langsung ketawa dan kagum sama dokter yang kepikiran aja jokes ini.
Sejak dokter ngomong gitu, ga bisa deh mikir pizza tanpa inget kalo sterilisasi itu ngilangin jamur dan tanpa inget joke jamur dari dokter yang gahul ini.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Yesterday I did the most idiotic thing i could do in my life. I just can't stop saying stupid stupid stupid in my head for several hours after i did that and i felt bad about it the whole day and it just made my day worst.
Well, today my feeling has been better, but still it is stupid and even remembering that thing will make me feel bad..
Ah.. i hate it.
Well, today my feeling has been better, but still it is stupid and even remembering that thing will make me feel bad..
Ah.. i hate it.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Life has been so busy these days
so many things happen in the same time and in a blink, another year has passed.
Time moves so fast and it feels like sometimes running is the only way to keep up.
Have to live my life to the fullest
with no regret of the past
with no worries of tomorrow
with the blessing for today
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